
Kristin is an award winning international photographer with over 14 years of experience. Her photography work has taken her to over 20 different countries and has been published in print and online around the world. With a deep love of travel, experiences, and people, she seeks to capture wedding days in a way that feel like the viewer stepped back in time but also with modern vibrance, expression, and light. She dives in deep with her clients to truly capture them with authenticity and show their connection with each other, their friends, and their family. She’s had work featured in top wedding magazines and blogs, was voted one of the top wedding photographers in the South by Southern Weddings Magazine, and gives back to photographers and creatives who want to grow their businesses through retreats, workshops, speaking, and coaching. Her clients love the energy and calm presence she brings to her work and the understanding and depth that she captures during each celebration. Just say the word and she’ll meet you in France, New York, or your favorite place. 

Meet Kristin

we love our clients


and our clients love us

Telling your story creatively and intuitively



Creating vision

wedding, business, connection

blog posts

Page, Arizona

Amangiri Retreat

We’ve seen your work, your business, the huge strides you’ve made over the last few years, and the magic you’ve created everywhere you’ve gone. But sometimes it doesn’t feel like that to us right? It’s hard to see what we are so close to. Maybe you’ve experienced all kinds of “success” but it still feels empty? Or maybe you hit certain goals and still feel stressed about money, future bookings, and where to go next?

We TOTALLY feel you. Business is not as clean cut as the movies and the marketing make it out to be. There’s many twists and turns and unmet expectations and also so many moments of pure bliss. And we’ve found that when we can bounce ideas, strategies, and stuck points off of our coaches, our friends, and our peers, we have so much more courage and strength to tackle whatever comes next.

Let's Make Magic

"The mastermind allowed me to reach goals I’d dreamed of, but never actually thought possible. My first 5 figure month ever was a $20k month while in coaching, and there have been multiple other 5 figure months since. The program was a holistic approach—we worked from the inside out, getting my head straight about worthiness and lingering doubts that were blocking me from getting to where I wanted to be. Then, we moved outward and built systems that would allow my business to grow with efficiency. The goal was always, first and foremost though, to build an authentic business—one that felt in alignment with who I truly am. Now, my dream clients are finding ME!? What!?"

This mastermind truly changed my life.


Jessie W.

Typewriter meggings lomo, VHS literally poke chia hexagon jianbing try-hard normcore. Flannel cloud bread edison bulb crucifix shaman. Mustache health goth iPhone prism four dollar toast put a bird on it.

"These images let us relive the best day of our lives over and over again..."

San francisco, CA

stephen & staci

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imagery by kristin sweeting | site design by foil & Ink